The discovery of Indo-European began with the work of______ who delivered an important paper in 1786, in which he suggested that Sanskrit bore a stronger affinity to Greek and Latin.()
The discovery of Indo-European began with the work of______ who delivered an important paper in 1786, in which he suggested that Sanskrit bore a stronger affinity to Greek and Latin.()
A、the British scholar Sir William Jones
B、the German linguist Franz Bopp
C、the Danish scholar Rasmus Rask
D、the German scholar Jacob Grimm
【题目解析】:(P151) 解析:印欧语系的发现始于英国学者威廉琼斯爵士的研究。他曾在1786年发表了一篇论文说明古印度语言梵语和希腊语及拉丁语有很多的相似之处,因此他相信这3种语言是由同一个根源发展而来的弗朗茨·葆朴、拉斯穆斯·拉斯克和雅各布·格林在琼斯爵士之后对印欧语系做了进一步的研究。