The essential ideas of this method are very simple and can be described briefly as follows; Given a region whose area is to be. determined, we inscribe in it a polygonal region which approximates the given region and whose area we can easily compute.
The essential ideas of this method are very simple and can be described briefly as follows; Given a region whose area is to be. determined, we inscribe in it a polygonal region which approximates the given region and whose area we can easily compute. Then we choose another polygonal region which gives a better approximation, and we continue the process, taking polygons with more and more sides in an attempt to exhaust the given region.
【正确答案】:该方法的基本思想非常简单,可简述如下:假如要确定一个区域的面积,我们在其中内接一个面积近似于该区域的多边形,该多边形的面积则很容易计算。然后我们再选择另一个面积更接近该区域的多边形,并且继续这一步骤, 这些边数越来越多的多边形就无穷尽地趋近于所指定的区域。