Conferences and exhibitions can be considered as two distinct types of activity, but there are increasing links between them. Many conferences include an exhibition so that the would-be conference center has to provide space for this purpose. Similar
Conferences and exhibitions can be considered as two distinct types of activity, but there are increasing links between them. Many conferences include an exhibition so that the would-be conference center has to provide space for this purpose. Similarly, conferences are often held in association with exhibitions, and once again exhibition centers are providing conferences facilities within the site. In 1983, 26 percent of exhibitions held in Britain had an associated conference. While a survey of US conventions found that 24 percent had exhibitions. It is the large conference or convention which is most likely to have an associated exhibition. The American convention center illustrates these tendencies. It consists of a series of large halls which can be used either for exhibitions or with seating installed for conferences.
【正确答案】:会议和展览可以被看作是两种不同的活动。但是这两者之间的联系正变得越来越密切。很多会议都包括展览,因此,即将召开会议的会议中心可以为展览提供场地。同样,许多会议的召开和展览是同时进行的。展览中心提供会议所用的设施。1983 年,伦敦举办的展览由26%是和会议同时举行的。美国一项调查表明,有24%的会议都附有展览。只有大型的会议是和展览同时举办的。美国的会议中心的布局说明了这种趋势。它是由好几个大厅组成,分别可被用作展览。因为配备了座椅,也可召开会议。