Discuss the similarities or differences in the associative meanings of the colour red between English and Chinese, by referring to the following expressions. (1) a red letter day, the red carpet (2) 红喜事,披红挂彩
Discuss the similarities or differences in the associative meanings of the colour red between English and Chinese, by referring to the following expressions. (1) a red letter day, the red carpet (2) 红喜事,披红挂彩
【正确答案】:The red colour is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions.This is true in English speaking countries and china.In English,"a red letter day" refers to "a day specially looked forward to,or remembered, when something remarkable and usually pleasurable will happen,or happened "and "the red carpet" is a symbol of respectful reception or attention.In China,"红喜事"specially refers to a wedding,and "披红挂彩" is a traditional way to celebrate an event of happiness. In a word, in both English and Chinese,the colour red is usually associated with something joyful.