Tourists who wish to see as much of the countryside as possible may elect to take a coach tour staying at different places each night. The size and quality of the hotel used may be of secondary importance to the route and itinerary of the trip. Then there are others who wish to avoid the strains of one night stands, who will pick two or more resorts for their holiday. They may experiment with the hotel used at one (or all) of the destinations. Further, if the resort they wish to visit has limited accommodat facilities, the short-stay tourist might accept this, although for a longer one-resort holiday they might demand better quality and so choose a different resort. The support services in the packages will also be affected by the above considerations.
想饱览乡村风光的旅游者可能会选择旅行车观光旅游这种形式。每晚在不同的地方逗留住宿。对他们来说,比起宾馆的大小和质量,旅行线路和旅程安排显得更为重要。也有些旅游者为避免这种游一地待一晚的紧张感只选择两个或两个以上的旅游点,他们可能只在一个目的地留宿(或者全部)。另外,对于逗留时间较短的旅游者来说,如果他们想去的旅游点膳宿设施有限,他们也可能会这么做;而如果只游一一个景点, 逗留时间又较长,旅游者则可能会要求更好的食宿,而另择景点。同样,包价旅游中的辅助服务也会受到以上因素的影响。