Along with the numerous opportunities, however, China will continue to encounter strong challenges. China’s tourist industry is not as effective as it could be in the face of powerful international competition. Asia as a whole sees Europe and North A

Along with the numerous opportunities, however, China will continue to encounter strong challenges. China’s tourist industry is not as effective as it could be in the face of powerful international competition. Asia as a whole sees Europe and North America as its main toruist-generating markets. All of the tourist destinations in the region vie with each other for the same markets with similar products. Although China had many advantages in its diversity of tourist resources, these may not be brought into full play due to inadequate facilities, tight transportation, inflexible business operations, ineffective promotion, and undesirable service. Other Asian countries and areas are more competitive in this region owing to their successful economies, well-developed tourism infrastructure, quick access to information, flexible business operations, wide international connections, and effective promotion with the help of powerful regional tourist associations.

