How does a travel agency organize a travel? We have seen that there are various activities which a travel agency has to perform in order that an intending traveler undertakes his proposed journey and enjoys a holiday of his choice. There are various
How does a travel agency organize a travel? We have seen that there are various activities which a travel agency has to perform in order that an intending traveler undertakes his proposed journey and enjoys a holiday of his choice. There are various steps involved from the time a traveler visits a travel agent to buy a ticket until he returns back home after visiting a place of his choice. Generally speaking, organized travel by a travel agency can be of two types: 1. single client; 2. group client.
【正确答案】:那么旅行社是如何组织一次旅游的呢?我们已经知道,旅行社要做很多工作才能使有旅游意向的游客实现旅行计划并好好享受他选定的假期。从游客到旅行社购买车票直至他从选定的目的地返回,这里面包含了许多步骤。总体上,参加旅行社组织的旅游的客人可分为两大类: 一类是个人客户,二是团体客户。