The rejection of such initiatives is______indicating that voters are unconcerned about the environment.
The rejection of such initiatives is______indicating that voters are unconcerned about the environment.
A、in the means of
B、by means of
C、beyond your means
D、by no means
【名师解析】:选项D "by no means" 是正确的答案。这个短语意味着“绝不”或“根本不”,用来强调对某事的强烈否定。在这个句子中,它用来表达选民对环境问题漠不关心的态度,即他们拒绝这样的倡议,并不是因为他们不关心环境。其他选项要么语法结构不正确,要么意义不符合句子的语境。选项A "in the means of" 和选项B "by means of" 通常用来表示使用某种方法或手段,而选项C "beyond your means" 意味着超出某人的经济能力。