“3D printing” is not a proper term partly because it involves technologies other than printing.
“3D printing” is not a proper term partly because it involves technologies other than printing.
【题目解析】:听力原文:The biggest engineering companies nowadays prefer to talk about "additive manufacturing” rather than" 3D printing". One reason is that printing is not quite the right word for some of the technologies given this label.本题考查理顺逻辑。原文说如今,最大的工程公司更喜欢谈论“加法制造”,而不是“3D打印”。其中一个原因是,对于某些被赋予这个标签的技术,打印并不完全是一个合适的词。题干说“3D打印”不是一个合适的术语,部分原因是它涉及的技术不是打印。与原文说法相符,所以正确。