原文: Japan's chronically low levels of business creation mean that there is worryingly little wealth inequality of the sort created by entrepreneurs who become billionaires by dreaming up exciting new products and services.
原文: Japan's chronically low levels of business creation mean that there is worryingly little wealth inequality of the sort created by entrepreneurs who become billionaires by dreaming up exciting new products and services.
【正确答案】:对于那些力求以创造出令人兴奋的新产品和服务而跻身百万富翁行列的创业者们来说, 日本长期低水平的商业创造意味着这方面的财富差距不够大,令人担心。 (调整分句顺序, “……财富差距不够大, 令人担心” 放后)