Read the following passage carefully and compose a'Topic Outline'for it.
【正确答案】:I.Introduction: Humor as an essential life skill (Paragraph 1)
A.A sense of humor deemed as a vital quality / the great thing
B.Thesis: Humor is a life skill everybody needs.
Ⅱ Definitions / Theories of humor (Paragraphs 2-4)
A.Relief theory, a way of releasing nervous energy
B.Superiority theory, a means of declaring one's superiority over others
C.Incongruity theory, a tactic of reversing expectations
III.Benefits of humor (Paragraphs 5-6)
A.A guard against depression / Serving as the mind's immune system
B.A catalyst for higher life quality / Improving life quality
IV.Conclusion: Believing your natural sense of humor and looking on the funny side of life.(Paragraph 7)
2.考生只能按题型要求写出“Topic Outline",如用“Sentence Outline”或两种混用,则降档处理。如写成“Summary”或其它形式,则按0分处理。其中Thesis可置于 Introduction 之前。
第一档(17-20 分) 概括准确,内容完整,语言通顺,表达清楚。
第二档(12-16 分) 概括较完整,个别要点有遗漏,语言较通顺,表达较清楚。
第三档(8-11 分) 概括不够全面,部分要点有遗漏,语言基本通顺,表达基本清楚。
第四档 概括不全面,遗漏大部分要点,语言不够通顺,表达不够清楚。