Which of the following can be taken as the first paragraph of the Expository Essay on the topic of"Economic Development since 1950"?()
A、All the time starting from the beginning of the 20th century the economic development and therefore the true well-being of people did not reveal any progress because of the techno-phobia that appeared in the head of the humanity. It all started with people being against milk pasteurization and continues in opposing food irradiation nowadays.The World War II greatly influenced the economic stability of each country. As the Nazis were immensely fascinated by everything natural it could not leave the world out of this “naturalistic& organic health” influence. In 1943 they promotion of the chemical-free agricultural goods was immense. All of these technological changes were simply the re-conditions of the changes that occurred in the 1950’s. According to Dr. DeGregori’s “Agriculture and modern technology: a defense”, in 1950 28.7% of children in the countries with a developing economy died before they got to the mark of being five years old.All of the revolutionary technological advances of 20th century have changed the life of contemporary people introducing bio-engineered food and tons of arguments around it. The ability to bio-engineered food created opportunities to grow more food of bigger sizes and therefore more products started being available. The most important figures that DeGregori emphasizes is the since the 1950 the quantity of population has even more than doubled, although 50 million people dies each year. It has been commonly believed after the WWII that any of the advances that change food or anything natural do truly bring damage to the health of the human race. Dr. DeGregori in his works shows that different kind of chemicals, including DDT and other pesticides do not bring the harm they are believed to, but actually prolong the lifespan of the human beings of the planet.
B、The process of economic development is a multi-sided one and requires a very intense approach. The well being provided by the economical development has three major goals: life expectancy, the average income per person, and development of the education. These three major spheres require a lot of technological progress in order to convert the economy into a developed one. It is possible to say that economic development is greatly dependent of the technological progress and as the main development started occurring after the 1950’s this is the period that should be investigated in a very profound way. The technological progress leading to the economic development of the post 1950’s time had a pre history in the events of the 1920-1040’s technological achievements. Dr. DeGregori in his “Origins of the organic agriculture debate” emphasizes three main progresses of the pre 1950’s period: the biodynamic farming in 1920’s, the movement of holism in 1926, and the organic farming in the 1940’s. As professor DeGregori in his work reveals mainly the agricultural side of the economic development through modern technology it is very hard to underestimate this side because the life expectancy of a person greatly depend on the food that the person consumes. Dr. DeGregori continues to underline the meaning of science for the well-being of the population and in his “Origins of the organic agriculture debate” says: “Many have tried to play the role of magus or magician…but it is the scientists who delivered”.
C、The economic development during all these years all the way from 1950’s till nowadays is tremendous. Nevertheless it goes without saying that a scientific propaganda is required in order to destroy the unscientific fact people believe in. This is completely proved by the fact listed in Dr. DeGregori’s Agriculture and modern technology”: the truth is that 99.9% of all toxins that a human body ingest appear as the products of nature and not the technological developing of the humans. Nevertheless people feel very preoccupied with stopping the technological progress and therefore the economic development that brings so many benefits for the contemporary societies. The successful economic development of each country is completely dependent on the application of biotechnology in every sphere of human development. If it were not for the technological progress half of the contemporary population would not exist nowadays. This “crude” fact should leave not hesitations in the minds of contemporary people. Technology saves humanity and creates the necessary products for keeping humanity in the state of well-being and therefore secures the economical development of each country.
D、The economic development since 1950’s has contributed a lot of changes in the modern life of the society. It has actually improved the quality and standards of life, making the life of ordinary citizens safer. Though some people nowadays are still afraid of the GMOs, fertilizers and pesticides without even knowing what those in reality are, still the economic development provided by technology has converted a human life into a guarded fortress. The economic development is an essential part of the life of the society of any contemporary country. Economic development by itself provides the possibility to extend the potential of the country in terms of education, life expectancy and average income.The importance of the economic development is dictated by the necessity to make the living standards higher and therefore to improve the living conditions of million of people. Economic development implies the growth of the country’s wealth that is designated to improve the well-being of the country’s citizens.Ever since the 1950’s a lot of changes have occurred in term of economic development, but the most vital fact is that more people have overcome the poverty line and increased their financial opportunities. All of these would not be possible without the development of technology. The modern world is constantly developing and the economic development of every given country implies the economical development of the humanity in general. So why not to accept the fact that technology is here to protect us and to give us a better future?