The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. The Doubt That Haunts  W
The following passage is incomplete with one body paragraph missing. Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph in about 100 words. Make sure that your tone and diction are in unity with the passage provided. The Doubt That Haunts  When most people are asked to produce something creative, they freeze. They panic. They choke. They seize up with self-doubt. "Creativity?" they say. "Not me!" If you disbelieve this statement, consider how often you try new things in your life. How readily do you try something creative, such as writing, drawing or singing? Most of us believe we can't create and have believed it for so long that the belief has become reality. People possess a large capacity for self-doubt about their creative ability in terms of writing, drawing, and music.  Writing offers a classic example. About 90 percent of adults believe they cannot write, although nearly all young children believe they can write. Self-doubt seems to creep in as we grow older. I witnessed this last year in a college writing class when the instructor asked the students if they ever wrote outside of school. One student raised his hand. When the instructor asked how many students thought of themselves as writers, no students-zero out of twenty-raised a hand.  By contrast, a first grade teacher had asked her students the same questions and received quite different responses. Did any first graders write outside of school? Twenty out of twenty-two hands shot up. Did any first graders think of themselves as writers? Twenty-two out of twenty-two hands went up. Plainly, adults are more self-conscious about their creativity than children are.  Drawing is another creative ability that many adults doubt they have. For instance, at a recent family party I suggested we play "Pictionary," which involves drawing clues for secret words. "Absolutely not!" my family said. "We can’t draw." The interesting part, however, is that we played "Pictionary" and had a wonderful time with some very creative drawings. This experience showed me that people often doubt they can be creative because they haven't tried.
Self-doubt about creativity in areas such as writing, drawing, or music seems nearly universal among adults. It seems probable, however, that almost all adults have the capacity for creativity in those areas. People all have the potential to be creative and would be able to express their creative side as long as they try. What keeps people from being creative? In my opinion, people are afraid of looking inept, so they hesitate to try creative things. If people would learn to do things to please themselves rather than to please others, maybe their doubts would disappear.
【正确答案】:What's more, music is also a field in which many people may turn out to be too strict with themselves whenever, they have to give a performance. At a Christmas party, Lily was encouraged to sing a song. Since she hadn’t got any preparation or practice for it, she was quite hesitative. However, her singing finally earned her huge fans at the party. In this case, we can see that people tend to be less confident without good preparation or practice. While doing something without preview is another form of creativity.
【题目解析】:仔细阅读该篇章,我们可以看出本文属于说明文,缺省备答的是四个主体段中的最后一段。要合理补全主体段,我们需要明确该补充什么内容,以及该以怎样的方式将其呈现出来。thesis statement是补全文章内容的基础和指针。 一个合格的thesis statement 不但是全文的中心思想句,还进一步明确并限制了每一个主体段落的大体内容及行文方式。这类题目旨在考察学生对thesis statement作用的认识以及学生对文章的Unity和Coherence的把握。本文的thesis statement是:When most people are asked to produce something creative, they freeze. 第一及第二主体段中写的是:writing offers a classic example;而第三个主体段写的是:drawing is another creative ability that many adults doubt they have;而与此同时,更重要的是篇章的总结段明确提到:Self-doubt about creativity in areas such as writing, drawing, or music seems nearly universal among adults;这样,我们可以很快捕捉到关于补写内容的一个重要信息。缺失的部分应该是关于music的内容。通过阅读全文,我们能够判断出本文的主体段之间的展开方式是“比较对比法”,而主体段之中的的展开方式是“举例法”。这样,我们把怎么写的问题也解决了。那么完成本题也就是顺理成章的了。详见参考答案。