【正确答案】:Which is More Important , Love or Money?<> We may remember what people vow during the ceremony. "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer"... Can you say "yes" to that? If you can, that means you have already been in love.Actually, marriage is more than simply love or vow. To lead a better life, money as an essential supporter is also very important. Then, which is more important, love or money?It may be very hard to answer. One might say that many things can be bought with money. However, for me, love is the driving force of life. As a matter of fact, we cannot buy everything with money in many cases. In practice, I maintain that love is more important than money.Undoubtedly, love is above wealth. While the problem is that many people don’t know the value of love until they lose it. They pursue wealth so desperately without paying any attention to the cultivation of love between people. What’s the use of wealth without love? Provided that we lose wealth, we may regain it by working hard. But if we lose love, it’s impossible to make up for it!I cannot imagine marrying someone I could hardly stand but have a big house and a nice car. Perhaps, at first, it’s nice to have all the material things, but we will get bored of everything available if we are not happy with who we married. We cannot bear ourselves living together with husband or wife who may repulse us leaving the rest of our life having only luxuries and money.
【题目解析】:It is said that many millionaires don’t have a happy life for the lack of true love and there are also many moving stories telling us that love can create miracles. Because of love, we can laugh happily whatever difficulties we meet, we can find how beautiful the world is. Love is powerful, it can bless us warmth and happiness. Love can motivate us to promote career and have a bright future. Love is more important in marriage.<> <> 根据作文要求,本文体裁应为说明文。考察考生对于英语说明文特点的掌握。英语说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,以客观事物的特点和性质,阐明事物发生和发展过程等为主要表达内容给读者以知识的一种文体。<> 写英语说明文有几点最基本的要求,一要时态正确,二要条理清晰,内容连贯,三要语言朴素明了。 1. 说明文主要采用一般现在时,因为说明文多为对客观事物或事件的描述,所以并不需要用过于复杂的时态,省去了时态呼应,行文时比较随意、自然。但要注意,当单、复数名词做主语时,主谓语的一致要格外留意。 2. 要写好说明文,关键在于是否能做到行文自然有条理,措词确切且得体。文章看似随意,实是精心安排的结果, 另外要写出有条理的说明文来,还要注意行文的连贯性,这要求我们平常积累大量的过渡词。用好过渡词,就能把各个段落有机联系在一起,使整篇文章过渡自然,有条理,档次也提高了。 3. 要写好说明文,还要学会使用一些常用词组和固定短语。此前的练习中还多次强调过说明文条理清晰的重要性,要把说明文写得条理分明,必须掌握说明的顺序。常用的说明顺序有:① 时间顺序,即按事物的发生、发展的先后顺序进行说明。② 空间顺序,即按事物空间位置的顺序,由上至下,由近及远或由里至外地进行说明。③ 逻辑顺序,即按人们认识事物的规律进行说明,如由概括到具体、由整体到部分、由现象到本质、由表及里、由原因到结果、由主要到次要、由特点到用途等。大家可以在练习中做不同的尝试,来看看采用不同的说明顺序会有怎样的效果和收获。