Passage 1
U. S. Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen
Some of the Clinton administration's tough talk appears tactical, intended to pressure trading partners into offering concession and to unblock stalled negotiations on several fronts.
Passage 1
U. S. Is Prepared to See Trade Relations Worsen
Some of the Clinton administration's tough talk appears tactical, intended to pressure trading partners into offering concession and to unblock stalled negotiations on several fronts. But it appears that officials are prepared to turn up the temperature on trade-and live with the consequences.
In some ways, Mr. Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U. S. companies. The same political pressures from trade hawks in Congress that the Bush officials felt are now bearing down on the Clinton team.
A broad review of trade policy issues in just beginning within the administration, but officials said the underpinnings of Mr. Kantor's decision were plainly found in Mr. Clinton's trade speeches during the campaign, particularly the demand for open markets abroad.
The reactions to these first signals from the Clinton team has been sharply divergent.
The trade policy by Clinton team is completely different with to that of Bush's.
【名师解析】:根据文章内容,克林顿政府的一些强硬言论似乎是策略性的,目的是向贸易伙伴施压,促使他们提供让步,并推动一些陷入僵局的谈判。文章提到,克林顿和他的顾问们在某些方面正沿着布什政府的老路走,布什政府去年曾威胁要对欧盟实施制裁,并在GATT谈判中退出,而不是签署一项只会为美国公司带来微小收益的协议。文章还指出,布什官员感受到的来自国会贸易鹰派的政治压力现在也正对克林顿团队产生影响。 然而,文章也指出,克林顿团队的贸易政策与布什政府的完全不同。这与题目中的说法“克林顿团队的贸易政策与布什的完全相同”相矛盾。因此,题目选项A(真)是错误的,选项B(假)是正确的。