Both late sleepers and early risers find the fixed hours of a nine-to-five work day a problem. Now there is an answer that seems to please them both. Employees of over 500 businesses,organizations and government agencies in the United States are adapting their work hours to suit their individual needs.It's called "flexible time"( flextime) and it means,for example,that employees can start. working at any time during the first three hours their office is open and leave after completing their required daily working time. Early risers can begin work at seven a.m. ,finish at three and still have daylight time for shopping,picking up children at school,or recreation. Late sleepers need not report for work until 10 a.m.--but they must stay on their job until six in the evening.
Says a Boston,Massachusetts,bank official:“Our employees like the system,and tardiness has been virtually eliminated. Fewer people are absent,turnover has dropped markedly,and productivity and morale have risen.”
Workers have to start working at a fixed time. ( )