Holst and Company, a member of the Northwest Holst Group, has introduced flexible working hours for all its staff at its head office. It claims to be the first UK construction company to do this.The three-month trial period is being conducted with the approval of the overwhelming majority of the head offices. All 150 employees must be at their job during the“core time" from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,less a one-hour lunch break. They may choose arrival and departure times from 8 to 10 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. 150 hours have to be put in over each four-week period. Credit or debit time of up to 7 and 1/2 hours may be carried forward to the next four-week period. Hengstler Flextime recording equipment is being used for the trial. The managing director of Holst , Mr. Colin Cashmore , commented,“This is an exercise in responsibility. We regard our staff as very responsible people and it is only on this basis that the flexible working hours system can succeed.”He emphasized that if after the trial a majority of the staff was opposed lo the system, it would not be continued. If, on the other hand,it proved successful, the company would consider extending flextime to its other offices throughout the country.
If all the staff of Holst and Company were not responsible , the flexible working hours system could not succeed.
【题目解析】:从Colin Cashmore的话中可以得知,如果所有的员工都是负责任的,那么这种弹性工作时间体制就会成功。故本题的说法是正确的。