More than one-third of China's exports come from foreign—mainly Asian—owned facto­ries. The big beneficiaries are Hong Kong and Taiwan. By integrating Chinese factories into produc­tion strategies, their companies can compete globally. Factory wages
More than one-third of China's exports come from foreign—mainly Asian—owned facto­ries. The big beneficiaries are Hong Kong and Taiwan. By integrating Chinese factories into produc­tion strategies, their companies can compete globally. Factory wages on the mainland—less than $ 1000 a year—are one 10th those in Taiwan. Companies from Hong Kong, a trading port of six mil­lion people, now employ more than three million workers in China. For Japanese businesses grap­pling with the strong yen, China is especially attractive. Japan's domestic market is sagging, and yen-based costs are pricing its exports too high. China offers a thriving market and a cheap produc­tion base. Nearly one of every 10 yen that Japanese companies invest this year will end up in China, by one estimate.
【正确答案】:中国超过三分之一的出口由外资企业(或者外资工厂,主要来自亚洲)完成。 最大的受益者是香港和台湾。 通过将中国工厂纳入生产战略,他们的公司可以在全球竞争。 大陆工厂工资每年不到 1000 美元,是台湾的十分之一。 香港是一个有六百万人的贸易港口,现在来自香港的公司在中国大陆雇佣了超过三百万名工人。 对于正在应对日元走强的日本企业来说,中国(市场)尤其具有吸引力。 日本国内市场低迷,日元成本使其出口产品定价过高。 中国提供了繁荣的市场和廉价生产基地。 据估计,日本企业今年的投资中,几乎每 10 日元就有一个会最终流入中国。