Passage 1
China Leaps Towards Top 10 Traders
Chinese see early GATT membership as one way of dealing with bilateral pressures from its main trading partners—the US, Japan and Germany—all of which are restive about their yawning trade gaps with
Passage 1
China Leaps Towards Top 10 Traders
Chinese see early GATT membership as one way of dealing with bilateral pressures from its main trading partners—the US, Japan and Germany—all of which are restive about their yawning trade gaps with China.
US trade representatives are also reporting that China is making a special effort to discuss new projects. Since the end of 1989,American businessmen have been returning to China with "zest", according to a US official.
But the larger deals in the petrochemical, power and transport sectors will take time to bring to fruition. In the meantime, the Chinese continue rapidly to expand and improve the range and the quality of their exports.
Progress made by China in the past decade is impressive. A decade ago, China ranked 20th as a world trader. Then exports of $ 18bn represented 4 per cent of Gross Domestic Product ( GDP)and less than one per cent of world trade. Projected exports this year of $ lOObn would represent 20 per cent of China's GDP and more than 2.5 per cent of world trade.
The growing sophistication of Chinese products is also reflected in the shift towards exports of manufactured items from 50 per cent in 1980 to 80 per cent last year. While China's success owes much to cheap labour costs-textiles and footwear accounted for one third of 1992's $85bn in exports-­exports of machinery, electronic products and transport equipment are the fastest growing areas.
Big deals in the petrochemical, power and transport sectors would see little progress in a long time if improvement in exports' equality didn't take place.
【名师解析】:题目中的信息指出,中国在过去十年中取得了显著的贸易进展,从世界第20位贸易国跃升至接近前十位。文章提到,中国在1989年之后,特别是美国商人,对在中国开展新项目表现出极大的兴趣。同时,中国正在快速扩展和提高其出口产品的种类和质量。从1980年到1992年,中国制成品的出口比例从50%增长到80%,其中机械、电子产品和运输设备的出口增长最快。然而,文章最后指出,如果没有出口质量的提高,石化、电力和运输部门的大型交易在长时间内将看不到进展。 题目要求判断的是“Big deals in the petrochemical, power and transport sectors would see little progress in a long time if improvement in exports' equality didn't take place.” 这句话的正确性。根据文章内容,中国正在积极改善其出口产品的质量,且大型交易需要时间来实现,这与题目中提到的“如果没有出口质量的提高,这些大型交易在长时间内将看不到进展”是一致的。因此,题目的答案应该是A.正确,而不是B.错误。题目的答案给出的是错误的。