Values declined 【in line with】 platinum and New York advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation.
Values declined 【in line with】 platinum and New York advices as miners were encouraged to return to work by management promises of negotiation.
A、in contrast with
B、in terms with
C、in comparison with
D、in agreement with
【名师解析】:选项D "in agreement with" 是正确的答案。这个短语意味着"与...一致"或"与...相符"。在这个句子中,"Values declined in line with platinum and New York advices" 表示价值的下降是与铂金的价格和纽约的建议相一致的,即价值的下降与这些因素是相符的。这与句子后半部分提到的矿工被管理层承诺谈判而鼓励返回工作的情况是一致的,说明管理层的行动与价值下降的趋势是一致的。其他选项,如"in contrast with"(与...相反),"in terms with"(在...方面),"in comparison with"(与...相比),都不能正确表达这种一致性。