Passage 1
Culture differences are sometimes ignored in marketing campaigns. Culture awareness in marketing is a lot more than careful translation of your products. There are subtleties and nuances(细微差别) to every culture. Almost most people wouldn’
Passage 1
Culture differences are sometimes ignored in marketing campaigns. Culture awareness in marketing is a lot more than careful translation of your products. There are subtleties and nuances(细微差别) to every culture. Almost most people wouldn’t be able to list the rules of their own culture, they certainly know when hose rules are violated.
In Japan, for example, a major household products company spent many millions of dollars on a marketing campaign in advance of introducing its laundry detergent (清洁剂). Nevertheless, when the detergent was made available, sales were miniscule. In fact, few shops stocked the soap. Non-tariff trade barriers? No, it was something much simpler. The typically American “large, economy-sized” boxes were far too big for the tiny Japanese retail establishments. And Japanese housewives don’t usually have cars —— they walk to the stores and carry their purchase home, to very small living spaces.
It can be a big mistake to assume a Pan-Asia market( 泛亚市场) or a “Latin American” or “European” buyer. Neighboring cultures elsewhere don’t necessarily share buying preferences any more than a US buyer does with a Mexico consumer. Furthermore, national borders don’t always delineate(描绘) buying behavior; regional patterns can be just as strong.
45.A US buyer has the same buying behavior as a Mexico consumer.
【名师解析】:题目中提到,文化差异在市场营销活动中有时会被忽略,而且文化意识不仅仅是产品翻译的谨慎。每个文化都有其微妙之处和细微差别。在日本的例子中,一家大型家庭用品公司在推出其洗衣粉之前,投入了数百万美元进行市场营销活动。然而,当洗衣粉上市时,销量微乎其微,实际上很少有商店存货。这不是因为非关税贸易壁垒,而是因为更简单的原因:典型的美国"大号、经济型"的包装盒对于日本的小零售店来说太大了。而且,日本的家庭主妇通常没有汽车——她们步行去商店购物,并将购买的商品带回家,而这些家通常空间很小。 题目中还强调了,假设一个泛亚市场或"拉丁美洲"或"欧洲"买家是一个大错误。邻近的文化并不一定比美国买家与墨西哥消费者有更多的购买偏好。此外,国界并不总是描绘购买行为;地区模式可能同样强烈。 根据这些信息,选项A "A US buyer has the same buying behavior as a Mexico consumer." 是错误的,因为题目明确指出了不同地区的购买偏好可能不同,即使是邻近的文化。因此,正确答案是B.False。