At the summit meeting, America insisted that Japan should 【come up with】 specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets.
At the summit meeting, America insisted that Japan should 【come up with】 specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets.
A、bring forth
B、come across
C、put off
D、reach out
【名师解析】:选项A "bring forth" 是正确的答案。这个短语意味着提出或展示某物,通常用于正式场合。在这个句子中,美国在峰会上坚持要求日本提出具体的措施,以实现新的进口目标。"Bring forth" 恰当地传达了这一含义,即日本需要提出一些具体的方案或行动计划。其他选项,如 "come across"(偶然发现或给某人留下印象)、"put off"(推迟或推迟某事)、"reach out"(接触或寻求帮助),都不符合句子的语境。