We very much regret that we cannot accept your claim on the coffee sets from the batch ______ you complained.
We very much regret that we cannot accept your claim on the coffee sets from the batch ______ you complained.
B、in which
C、about which
D、on which
【名师解析】:在给出的题目中,句子需要一个短语来引导一个定语从句,这个定语从句用来修饰先行词 "the batch"。选项A "which" 通常用于引导非限制性定语从句,而在这个句子中,我们需要的是限制性定语从句,因此A选项不适用。选项B "in which" 通常用于表示地点或时间的上下文中,这里不适用。选项D "on which" 通常用于表示在某个物体表面上,这里也不适用。正确的选项是C "about which",它用来引导一个定语从句,表示关于某事的抱怨或声明,符合句子的语境。因此,正确答案是C "about which"。