尊敬的先生:收到贵方2006年2月1日的来函,要求我方办理5000双男皮鞋之投保事宜,保险费由贵方承担。现欣然奉告,我方已向中国人民保险公司按发票金额的110%为上述货物投保了一切险。投保金额为3万美元。保险单正在准备中,将在本周连同保险费的收款单(debit note)一并寄给贵方。货物将由“东风”号货轮运出,该轮将于2月18日出发,预计3月10日左右抵达目的港。此致
尊敬的先生:收到贵方2006年2月1日的来函,要求我方办理5000双男皮鞋之投保事宜,保险费由贵方承担。现欣然奉告,我方已向中国人民保险公司按发票金额的110%为上述货物投保了一切险。投保金额为3万美元。保险单正在准备中,将在本周连同保险费的收款单(debit note)一并寄给贵方。货物将由“东风”号货轮运出,该轮将于2月18日出发,预计3月10日左右抵达目的港。此致
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs,We have received your letter of February 1,2006,requesting us to insure 5000 pairs of men’s leather shoes for your account.We are pleased to inform you that we have insured the above shipment with the People‘s Insurance Company of China against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.The insured amount is $30,000.The insurance policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by the end of this week together with our debit note for the premium.For your information,the goods will be shipped on S.S."East Wind",setting sail on February 18 and due to arrive at the port of destination on or about March Yours faithfully,