尊敬的先生: 我方已收到贵方5月15日的订单。感谢贵方一片诚意,但我方感到遗憾的是,我方不能接受贵方订单。事实上,由于原材料的短缺,厂家不能供应所需的货物,所以厂家不得不拒收订单。 一旦供货情况好转,我方将尽快与贵方联系。我方会很高兴替贵方争取货物。 ×××谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs, We have received your order of May 15th. We appreciate your intention, but we feel it very regrettable that we cannot accept your order at present. In fact, the manufacturers are unable to supply your requirements because of the shortage of raw materials. So they have to decline orders. We will contact you with the least possible delay as soon as the supply position improves. And we shall be very happy to procure the goods for you. Yours faithfully,