尊敬的先生: 贵方6月17日来函收到。谢谢。 我方客户要我方向你方获取有关缝纫机的形式发票。请邮寄所需的形式发票一式三份,且请求贵方报价有效期截止到7月15日。相信不久后贵方就会得到我方客户的订单。希望早日收到贵方满意答复。 ×××谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs, We thank you for your letter of June 17th. Our clients request us to obtain from you the proforma invoice for sewing machines. Please send us herewith the required proforma invoice in triplicate and let your offer remain valid until July 15th. We believe that you will receive orders from our clients soon. We look forward to seeing your favourable reply. Yours sincerely.