The L/C stipulates that the shipment should be effected______July 10
The L/C stipulates that the shipment should be effected______July 10
A、not later than
B、no late than
C、not later to
D、no later to
【名师解析】:选项A "not later than" 是正确的,因为它符合英语中表达截止日期的标准用法。在信用证(Letter of Credit, L/C)的语境中,"not later than" 表示货物的装运日期不能晚于7月10日。其他选项要么语法不正确,要么不是标准表达方式。例如,"no late than" 和 "no later to" 都不是正确的英语表达方式,而 "not later to" 虽然语法上可以接受,但不如 "not later than" 常用。因此,正确答案是选项A。