__________the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, please establish a confirmed, irrevocable L/C in our favour.
__________the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, please establish a confirmed, irrevocable L/C in our favour.
A、In fact
B、As a matter of fact
C、In contrast with
D、In accordance with
【题目解析】:【考点点击】本题在2006年4月真题第一大题 14小题考查过,主要考查的知识点为有关开立 信用证的表达。【要点透析】A项和B项都表示“事实上”; C项表示“与对比”;D项表示'“与相一 致,按照,遵照”。结合题意:合同与 iyc应相一致。故本题选D项。