Under the FPA terms, the insurance company is liable for any loss, whether total or partial,_______ other external causes, including theft and pilferage.
Under the FPA terms, the insurance company is liable for any loss, whether total or partial,_______ other external causes, including theft and pilferage.
A、rised from
B、arisecl from
C、rising from
D、arising from
【题目解析】:【考点点击】本题主要考查的知识点为对FPA (平安险)的理解。【要点透析】本句题意:在FPA(平安险)的险别 下,保险公司的承保责任范围包括:由意外事故导 致的全部或部分损失,含偷窃和提货不着险。句 中已有了谓语,故其后再有动词就要用其相应的 分词形式,排除A项。rise表示“升起,起床”;arise表示“产生”。由题意,应是“产生',由 原因”,排除C项。句中arise的分词形式结构要修 饰其前的loss,两者属于动宾关系。故选D项。