尊敬的先生: 我们在仔细地检查了你方4月15日发运给我们的布料(dress materials)后,对其品质非常惊讶,也非常失望,与你方提供的样品完全不符。这批布料不符合我们客户的需求,因此我们别无它法,只得请你们收回这批货,换成与我们订单要求的品质相符的布料。如果不行的话,我们就只好取消订货了。 我们不想难为你方,倘若你方能在5月15日前把合格布料运抵我处的话,我们将非常感激你方的合作,以后也将继续向你方订货。 谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs. After carefully examining the dress materials supplied to our order of April 15, we must express surprise and disappointment at their quality. They certainly do not match the samples you sent us. The materials are quite unsuitable to the needs of our customers and we have no choice but to ask you to take them back and replace them by materials of the quality ordered. If this is not possible, I am afraid we will have to cancel our order. We have no wish to embarrass you. If you can send us the substitute by May 15, we'll appreciate your cooperation and plan to order more with you. Your sincerely