尊敬的先生: 收到贵方9月6日的还盘后,我方作了一番认真的考虑。 我们两家公司具有多年的业务往来,按理我方应该满足贵方降价15%的请求。然而, 这将使我方无利可赚。我们的产品质量好,因此成本也比别家高。降价降15%而又不降低产品质量等级是不可能的。鉴于我们间长期的相互关系,就各让一半。我们建议订货 数量超过500吨,减价7%。只有订货数量达500吨时,这样的价钱才不至于降低货物质量。 希望你们能接受这个还价。等待你方下订单。 谨上
尊敬的先生: 收到贵方9月6日的还盘后,我方作了一番认真的考虑。 我们两家公司具有多年的业务往来,按理我方应该满足贵方降价15%的请求。然而, 这将使我方无利可赚。我们的产品质量好,因此成本也比别家高。降价降15%而又不降低产品质量等级是不可能的。鉴于我们间长期的相互关系,就各让一半。我们建议订货 数量超过500吨,减价7%。只有订货数量达500吨时,这样的价钱才不至于降低货物质量。 希望你们能接受这个还价。等待你方下订单。 谨上
【正确答案】:Dear Sirs,Upon receipt of your counter-offer of September6,we made a very careful study.As our two companies have done business with each other for many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the price by 15%. However, such practice will mean no profit to us. Our products are of higher quality and thus of higher cost than that of others. It is impossible for us to reduce the price by 15% without lowering the grade. Considering our long-standing mutual relationship, let’s meet half way. We suggest a reduction of 7% on orders of over 500 tons. Only on orders of this size can we manage to make the reduction without lowering the grade.We hope our counter offer will be acceptable to you and look forward to your orders.Yours sincerely