Cargo insurance is one of the main branches of insurance. These are usually listed as fire, marine, life and accident. The term “marine” used to refer to the insurance of ships and their cargoes. Today the movement of cargoes is frequently effected p
Cargo insurance is one of the main branches of insurance. These are usually listed as fire, marine, life and accident. The term “marine” used to refer to the insurance of ships and their cargoes. Today the movement of cargoes is frequently effected partly by other modes of transport. Where cargo is concerned,” transportation insurance” seems a better term to use today than marine insurance. Goods do not go overseas solely by sea-air transport takes an increasing share of cargo these days.
【题目解析】:该题目素材选自L15。branches有很多译法,可以说是“分支”、“分支机构等”,但这里我们说的是一个抽象的概念或者分类,所以译为“......之一”或者“......中的一种”更符合中文的表达习惯。还需要注意的是,effect一词,通常大家总是把它作为名词来看待“效果”、“影响”等等,但是这里effect是动词,作为动词一般表示“产生”、“实现”。也就是说一部分货物的运输以其他方式得以实现或者实施。最后需要注意的是take share of的理解及翻译,该短语意为“分担”、“分享”,这样最后一句就是海运不是唯一的方式,空运也分担了一部分工作,再加上increasing便表达出空运货物的比例在增加了。