Transportation plays a major role in the production process. It allows the entrepreneur to assemble more easily the raw materials and labor inputs needed to make a specific product. The same transportation system moves intermediate products to other
Transportation plays a major role in the production process. It allows the entrepreneur to assemble more easily the raw materials and labor inputs needed to make a specific product. The same transportation system moves intermediate products to other producers for subsequent use in their production process, and it moves finished products to consumers.
【题目解析】:该题目素材选自L14。整个表达的句式还比较简单,这里的难点之一是assemble一词的词义选择,一般大家会本能看出get together或put together是聚集,而assemble意思相对更丰富些,表示“集合”、“聚集”、“装配”等。另一个需要注意的是intermediate,mediate一词本身就表示“居中的”、“中间的”,加上inter-这一表示“在......之间”的前缀后就更确定无疑了。subsequent表示“后来的”、“随后的”,这里是一个内在含义的体现,在翻译的时候我们顺理成章的说“供其在生产过程中使用”,暗指就是“接下来的”、“之后的”,也可以在译文中将其体现出来,译为“供其在未来的生产过程中使用”、“供其在之后的生产过程中使用”,并不影响理解。