International trade is the exchange of goods between nations. It took place for many reasons. The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Countries that lack some resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries
International trade is the exchange of goods between nations. It took place for many reasons. The first is that no nation has all of the commodities that it needs. Countries that lack some resources within their own boundaries must buy from countries that export them. Second,a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs and has to import some to satisfy its requirement. Third,one nation can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries and will also buy what it needs from those countries that have a comparative advantage in the desired items. Finally,even though a country can produce enough of an item at reasonable costs to meet its own demand,it may still import some from other countries for innovation or variety of style.
【正确答案】:国际贸易是国家之间进行的商品交换。它的产生有许多原因。首先,没有一个国家能生产它所 需要的全部产品。缺少某些资源的国家必须从 f:那些出口该资源的国家购买。第二,一个国家往 往没有足够多的某项产品来满足其所需,而必须 进口一些来满足需要。第三,一个国家能够比别 的国家以较低成本销售某些产品,而且还从对有 关产品具有比较优势的国家购买所需产品。最 后,即使一个国家可以以合理的成本生产足够的 产品满足本国的需要,它仍可能为了革新或调剂 品种而从别的国家进口一些。