A savings and loan association and a credit union are similar to each other in that __________
A savings and loan association and a credit union are similar to each other in that __________
A、they are both non-profit organizations
B、they are both member-owned financial cooperatives
C、they both offer financial counseling as well as home mortgage loans
D、they can both make a limited number of commercial loans
【名师解析】:选项C是正确的答案。储蓄贷款协会(savings and loan association)和信用合作社(credit union)都提供金融咨询服务以及房屋抵押贷款。虽然它们在结构和运作方式上有所不同,但这两个机构都致力于提供给会员或客户包括房屋抵押贷款在内的多种金融服务。储蓄贷款协会通常是以盈利为目的的金融机构,而信用合作社是非营利的,由其会员拥有和运营。选项A不正确,因为储蓄贷款协会通常是盈利性的;选项B不正确,因为储蓄贷款协会不是会员所有;选项D不正确,因为储蓄贷款协会可以提供商业贷款,而信用合作社通常专注于个人和小企业贷款。