What does the author most probably mean by saying"EMMs are winning the numbers game"?
What does the author most probably mean by saying"EMMs are winning the numbers game"?
A、EMMs are likey to win big in competition.
B、EMMs are likely to resort to talent pools to solve the innovation problems.
C、with the largest number of knowledge workers, innovation would be no problem at all.
D、EMMs are coping with the innovation problem by launching the largest talent development programs.
【名师解析】:作者通过说"EMMs are winning the numbers game"很可能意味着拥有最多知识工作者的EMMs在创新方面不会有问题。这句话强调了数量优势,即拥有大量知识工作者的公司或组织在创新方面具有优势,因为它们有更多的人力资源可以利用。这与选项C的描述相符,即"with the largest number of knowledge workers, innovation would be no problem at all"。其他选项A、B和D虽然都与EMMs和创新有关,但并没有直接涉及到"数量游戏"这一概念,因此不是最佳选项。