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Apple Inc plans to use alarger screen on the next-generation iPhone and has begun to place orders forthe new displays from suppliers in South Korea and Japan, people familiar withthe situation said on Wednesday.

The new iPhone screens will measure4 inches from corner to corner, one source said.That would represent a roughly30 percent increase in viewing area, assuming Apple keeps other dimensionsproportional. Apple has used a 3.5-inch screen since introducing the iPhonein2007.

Early production of the newscreens has begun at three suppliers: Korea's LG Display Co Ltd, Sharp Corp andJapan Display Inc, a Japanese government-brokered merger combining the screenproduction of three companies.

It is likely all three of thescreen suppliers will get production orders from Apple, which could begin assoon as June. That would allow the new iPhone to go into production as soon asAugust, if the company follows its own precedent in moving from orders forprototypes for key components to launch.

Apple's decision to equip thenext iPhone with a larger screen represents part of a competitive response toSamsung Electronics Co Ltd.

Samsung unveiled itstop-of-the line Galaxy smartphone with a 4.8-inch touch-screen and a fasterprocessor earlier this month.

With consumers becoming moreand more comfortable using smartphones for tasks they once performed onlaptops, like watching video, other smartphone manufacturers have also movedtoward bigger displays.

According to the article, who is Apple competing against?
【名师解析】:根据文章内容,Apple Inc 计划在下一代 iPhone 上使用更大的屏幕,并已经开始从韩国和日本的供应商那里下订单。文章中提到,Apple 这样做是作为对 Samsung Electronics Co Ltd 的竞争回应。Samsung 早些时候推出了其顶级 Galaxy 智能手机,配备了 4.8 英寸的触摸屏和更快的处理器。因此,Apple 正在与 Samsung 竞争,答案是选项 D.Samsung。
