Passage 4
The economic phenomena of the Barbie doll helped explain the reason why an increasing number of Chinese enterprises purchase well-known brands overseas. Like the recent case of a Chinese enterprise purchasing the Volvo.
The viewpoint
Passage 4
The economic phenomena of the Barbie doll helped explain the reason why an increasing number of Chinese enterprises purchase well-known brands overseas. Like the recent case of a Chinese enterprise purchasing the Volvo.
The viewpoint held by Taodong, economist from UBS, is frequently borrowed by Chinese government officials and enterprises. Tao claimed that the price of a plastic Barbie doll is , from which Chinese manufacturers could only gain 35 cents The lesson we could learn from this case is that it is brand that can bring profits, not "working" for overseas enterprises.
The large-scale overseas M&A of China are mostly carried out by state-owned business, and their main targets are mine and oil fields, by which the raw materials of the fast-developing economy of China could be assured. On the other hand, a trend has began several years before-in hope of catching up with international competition, the ambitious private-run businesses are busy purchasing overseas brands. However, analysts indicated that this fast-developing trend would probably -lead to the overseas rebound. Moreover, because those requiring enterprises lack experience of international M&A, it would cost an arm and a leg.
"Many Chinese enterprises have ranked in the list of Fortune 500, and they wish to continue improving their fame world-wide. He Yuxin, an analyst of Long Zhou Jing Financial Research and Consulting Institution said.
For the past 10 years, China has been encouraging its enterprises to "go global fearlessly" and to realize the Economic Diversification. The statistics data given by Chinese Commerce Department showed that from 2007 to 2008, Chinese investments abroad had more than doubled, reaching 55. 9 million dollars.
The tide of merging in China reminds people of Japan in the1980s. At that time,the Japanese's purchase of "Pebble Beach" Golf Course in California and Rockefeller Center in NY stirred up American's unrest-they feared that Japan would rule the world.
Similar resist also impediment some large-scaled M&a deals. Disputes exist about whether China will commit the same mistake as Japan. Huo Jianguo, dean of the College of International Trade and Economic Coorporation of Chinese Commerce Department said that Chinese government would continue objecting strongly to M& deals in sensitive industries such as oil enterprises.“However," he said,if the project is based on mutual reciprocity and profits, and meantime drives local employments and tax income, it will surely be accepted and promoted.
Cash-starved enterprises give warm welcome to Chinese investers and mergering proposals. General Motors lapped at selling its Hummer to Teng Zhong Industry Coorporation in Sichuan province, China. Chinese government however, rejected the deal.

Japanese companies used to be very active in international acquisition during the 1980s.
【名师解析】:根据题目内容,选项A是正确的。文章提到了中国企业在海外购买知名品牌的现象,例如中国企业购买沃尔沃的案例。经济学家陶东的观点经常被中国政府和企业引用,他认为一个塑料芭比娃娃的价格中,中国制造商只能获得35美分的利润,而品牌可以带来利润,而不是为海外企业"工作"。此外,文章还提到中国企业在海外的大规模并购活动,主要是由国有企业进行,主要目标是矿山和油田,以确保中国快速发展的经济所需的原材料。同时,一些有抱负的私营企业也在忙于购买海外品牌,希望在国际竞争中迎头赶上。然而,分析师指出,这种快速发展的趋势可能会导致海外反弹,并且由于缺乏国际并购经验,这些企业可能会付出高昂的代价。 文章还提到,许多中国企业已经跻身《财富》500强,并希望继续提高其全球知名度。中国政府在过去10年里一直在鼓励企业"无畏地走向全球",实现经济多元化。统计数据显示,从2007年到2008年,中国对外投资翻了一番多,达到5590万美元。中国的并购潮让人想起1980年代的日本,当时日本购买加利福尼亚的"鹅卵石海滩"高尔夫球场和纽约的洛克菲勒中心引起了美国人的不安,他们担心日本会统治世界。类似的抵制也阻碍了一些大规模的并购交易。有人担心中国是否会犯下与日本相同的错误。中国商务部国际贸易经济合作学院院长霍建国表示,中国政府将继续强烈反对在敏感行业如石油企业的并购交易。然而,他说,如果项目基于互惠互利,并且同时推动当地就业和税收收入,它肯定会被接受和推广。 最后,文章提到,资金短缺的企业对中国投资者和并购提议表示热烈欢迎。通用汽车渴望将其悍马品牌出售给四川省腾中重工公司,但中国政府拒绝了这笔交易。文章还提到,日本公司在1980年代曾在国际收购中非常活跃。 因此,根据文章内容,选项A(True)是正确的。