Owners of ___ have rights to vote for directors at the annual meeting of the corporation and to share any profits or losses.
Owners of ___ have rights to vote for directors at the annual meeting of the corporation and to share any profits or losses.
A、preferred stocks
B、deferred stocks
C、stock certificates
D、common stocks
【名师解析】:在公司年度股东大会上,拥有普通股(common stocks)的股东有权对公司董事会成员进行投票,并有权分享公司的利润或承担亏损。普通股是公司发行的最常见类型的股票,它赋予持有者基本的股东权利,包括投票权和收益权。相比之下,优先股(preferred stocks)通常不具有投票权,但可能享有固定的股息收益和在公司清算时的优先偿还权。延期股(deferred stocks)是一种特殊类型的股票,其股息支付可能会被推迟或取消。股票证书(stock certificates)是股票所有权的证明文件,而不是股票本身。因此,根据题目描述,正确答案是选项D,即普通股。