Passage 2
Some suppliers have discount policies that give certain customers a reduced price for goods. Trade discounts are discounts offered to middlemen. For example. the retail price of a shirt may be ; the manufacturer may sell it to the retail
Passage 2
Some suppliers have discount policies that give certain customers a reduced price for goods. Trade discounts are discounts offered to middlemen. For example. the retail price of a shirt may be ; the manufacturer may sell it to the retailer at a 40 percent discount from this price, or S6. Trade discounts permit middlemen to make a profit by performing special marketing functions.
Quantity discounts encourage customers to buy in large amounts. A dealer who buys a truckload of lawn mowers will pay a lower price per lawn mower than the dealer who buys only a few machines. Some firms offer cumulative quantity discounts. These permit a customer to total up consecutive orders to qualify for a discount. For example, let us assume that an order of forty typewriters qualified for a 10 percent discount. An office equipment store might order twenty-five, then ten, and then another five. Since the cumulative total would be forty, the store would be entitled to take 10 percent off its entire bill.
Cash discounts are given in order to encourage prompt payment. Cash discount terms are stated on the bill that accompanies the merchandise. For example. two/ten, net 30" means that a customer who pays within ten days of receiving the merchandise can take percent off the bill. The customer has the choice of paying in ten days and taking the discount, or waiting the full thirty days and paying the net, or full, amount of the bill.
Seasonal discounts are sometimes given by firms that sell seasonal items like air conditioners or ski equipment. A company that installs central home air conditioning may offer customers a 10 percent discount on work done in the fall and winter. A ski shop may give discounts on equipment purchased during the summer. Companies offer seasonal discounts to spread out their sales into those times of the year when business is slow.

According to the passage, if a school bought 30 footballs on May 4th, 20 on May 5th and another 10 on May 7th in the same store, it would be entitled to ____
A、cumulative quantity discounts of 10 percent
B、quantity discounts
C、cumulative quantity discount of a certain percentage
D、a certain percentage of quantity discount
【名师解析】:根据文章内容,学校在5月4日购买了30个足球,5月5日购买了20个,5月7日又购买了10个,总共购买了60个足球。文章中提到了累积数量折扣(cumulative quantity discounts),它允许顾客将连续的订单累积起来以满足折扣条件。例如,如果一个订单达到40台打字机,就可以享受10%的折扣。虽然文章没有明确说明足球的折扣条件,但根据累积折扣的概念,学校购买的足球数量累积达到了60个,超过了40个的折扣门槛。因此,学校有资格获得累积数量折扣,但具体折扣的百分比没有在文章中给出,所以答案是选项C,即累积数量折扣的某个具体百分比。