Thank you for your shipment of brass beds ordered by us on November 10, but much to our regret we have to inform you that they greatly disappoint us.They are not what we want, having a dull finish instead of a bright one.
Thank you for your shipment of brass beds ordered by us on November 10, but much to our regret we have to inform you that they greatly disappoint us.They are not what we want, having a dull finish instead of a bright one.
【正确答案】:感谢你们把我们 11 月 10 订购的黄铜色床送到,但我们遗憾地知会你们这批货令我们非常失望。因为这些床不是我想要的货,这些床的罩面漆暗淡,而我们订的是有明亮罩面漆的床。