The Snows of Kilimanjaro by()tells a brilliant short story about a mortally wounded American writer who attempts to redeem his imagination from the corrosions of wealth and domestic strife.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro by()tells a brilliant short story about a mortally wounded American writer who attempts to redeem his imagination from the corrosions of wealth and domestic strife.
A、Ernest Hemingway
B、Henry James
C、William Faulkner
D、Herman Melville
【题目解析】:Snows of Kilimanjaro《乞力马扎罗的雪》(1936)是海明威的一部讨论“死亡”的中篇小说,是对于一个临死前的人心理轨迹的精彩描述,讲述了一个身受重伤的美国作家试图通过想象回顾自己的人生历程,表现出作者客观对待死亡的态度和对死亡由恐惧到平静的心理变化,因而也充分体现出海明威赖以成名的“压力下的风度”(Grace Under Pressure)