( )A Masque of Reason and A Masque of Mercy are comic-serious dramatic narratives, in both of which biblical characters in modern settings discuss ethics and man's relations to God.
( )A Masque of Reason and A Masque of Mercy are comic-serious dramatic narratives, in both of which biblical characters in modern settings discuss ethics and man's relations to God.
A、John Milton's
B、Robert Frost’s
C、Ezra Pound's
D、T.S. Eliot's
【题目解析】:罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《理性假面具》和《仁慈假面具》都是严肃的喜剧性戏剧叙事,在这两部小说中,现代背景下的圣经人物都在讨论伦理和人与上帝的关系。John Milton——约翰·弥尔顿;Robert Frost——罗伯特·弗罗斯特;Ezra Pound——埃兹拉·庞德;T.S. Eliot——艾略特。故选B。