Many of Frost’s poems are fragrant with nature quality.()in his poems are drawn from the simple country life and the pastoral landscape.
Many of Frost’s poems are fragrant with nature quality.()in his poems are drawn from the simple country life and the pastoral landscape.
A、Images and metaphors
B、Allusions and similes
C、Personifications and alliteration
D、Metaphors and similes
【题目解析】:Images and metaphors:形象和比喻。Allusions and similes:用典和比喻。Personifications and alliteration:拟人和押头韵。Metaphors and similes:暗喻和明喻。弗罗斯特的许多诗歌都具有浓郁的自然气息。他的诗歌形象和比喻取材于淳朴的乡村生活和田园风光。