Theodore Dreiser is a prolific writer, among which,()is the best known, tracing the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood.
Theodore Dreiser is a prolific writer, among which,()is the best known, tracing the material rise of Carrie Meeber and the tragic decline of G. W. Hurstwood.
A、The Stoic
B、The Genius
C、The Titan
D、Sister Carrie
【题目解析】:本题考查的是德莱塞的作品主题。西奥多·德莱塞是个多产的作家,其中Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》(1900)最著名,讲述了嘉莉对物质的追求和赫斯渥的悲剧性破产的故事,揭露了美国资本主义制度对贫苦人民压榨的残酷性和资产阶级生活方式对小资产阶级分子的腐蚀性