“Cavalry Crossing a Ford” by Whitman reminds its readers of a picture, or a photo, of a scene of()
“Cavalry Crossing a Ford” by Whitman reminds its readers of a picture, or a photo, of a scene of()
A、the American War of Independece
B、the Westward Movement
C、the U. S.-Spanish War
D、the American Civil War
【题目解析】:本题考查的是惠特曼诗歌《骑兵队渡津》的作品主题特点。美国著名诗人惠特曼的诗歌Cavalry Crossing a Ford《骑兵队渡津》(1881)描写的是政府军的一支骑兵行军途中渡过浅滩的情景,能够让读者想起美国内战的场景。