T.S. Eliot produced only two major volumes of poetic works: Ash Wednesday and ( ) in his later period.
T.S. Eliot produced only two major volumes of poetic works: Ash Wednesday and ( ) in his later period.
A、The Cocktail
B、​The Elder Party
C、Four Quartets
D、The Hollow Men
【题目解析】:T.S. 艾略特在他的创作后期,创作了两部主要的诗集作品:Ash Wednesday(星期三的烟灰)和Four Quartets(四个四重奏)。戏剧作品:The Cocktail Party(鸡尾酒会)和The Elder Statesman(年长的政客),则可排除A和B,D选项The Hollow Men(空洞的人)为艾略特的前期诗歌作品(而非诗集),故选C。