Among the three stages of his poetic career, S. B. Yeats's major concern in the second
stage is ( ).
A、dichotomous in subject matter, such as youth and age, love and war, body and soul
B、a mock of the bourgeois philistines and their meanness of spirit and selfish materialism
C、about Celtic legends, local folk tales, or stories
D、Love and War, the two primary passions of human beings
【题目解析】:本题考查的是叶芝的作品主题特点。叶芝是著名爱尔兰诗人,在他诗歌生涯的三个阶段中,第二阶段的主要关注点是对资产阶级的非利士人及其精神的卑鄙和自私的唯物主义的嘲弄,代表作品有In the Seven Woods《在七片树林里》(1904),The Wild Swan at Coole《库尔的野天鹅》(1919)等。