Back to Methuselah."> Back to Methuselah.">
It is( )who explored his idea of "Life Force" which creates beings to solve problems in his typical play Back to Methuselah.
It is( )who explored his idea of "Life Force" which creates beings to solve problems in his typical play Back to Methuselah.
A、Bernard Shaw
B、Charles Dickens
C、Thomas Hardy
D、T. S. Eliot
【题目解析】:本题考查对萧伯纳作品的特点的理解。在萧伯纳的戏剧中Back to Methuselah《回到马修撒拉时代》(1921)和Man and Superman《人与超人》(1904)中,他探讨了他的“生命的力量” 的观点,即等同于上帝的创造更高级的存在的力量以及解决人类社会存在的所有社会,道德和形而上学的问题的力量。故选A。