In his poem“Tyger,Tyger,” William Blake expresses his perception of the “ fearful symmetry” of the big cat.The phrase “ fearful symmetry ” suggests ( ).
In his poem“Tyger,Tyger,” William Blake expresses his perception of the “ fearful symmetry” of the big cat.The phrase “ fearful symmetry ” suggests ( ).
A、the tiger's two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically set
B、the poet's fear of the predator
C、the analogy of the hammer and the anvil
D、the harmony of the two opposite aspects of God’s creation
【题目解析】:本题主要考察布莱克的诗歌《老虎》的内容。布莱克是英国伟大的浪漫主义诗人,在他的诗The Tyger《老虎》中,威廉·布莱克表达了他对大猫的“可怕的对称性”的看法,“可怕的对称性”一词表明了上帝创造的两个相反方面的和谐。A选项“老虎的两只眼睛明亮而对称”,B选项“诗人对捕食者的恐惧”,C选项“锤子和铁砧的类比”均不符合题干要求,故选D。